2009 Highlights

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Complain or Not Complain?

On any given day, I'm pretty easy going; however, recently, I've run into a rash of incidents that have boiled my blood. So, the question is...when should one dust off the little nuances and save their complaints for a real problem? This has been my dilemma lately.

It started with my 30th birthday dinner, which was held at a highly rated/recommended restaurant in Paso Robles. My husband and I are serious "foodies," who have years of history in the restaurant industry, so we're always more forgiving of poor food or service than your average customer. But, when a meal you've been looking forward to for months hardly rates as a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, do you say something or just chalk it up to a bad Saturday night in a busy kitchen?

My next dilemma came with the 3rd time of being double charged for an item at Target in one month. The worst part is that I always notice it AFTER I've driven home. The first couple of times it was an inexpensive item ($5 or less), and I didn't feel it was worth the trip (or gas) back to the store for a credit. The third time, it was an item that was $10, which I was charged twice for. So, I made the trip back, and was instantly credited the $10. Now, I was debating on whether I should complain to the high school cashier, because I figured that wouldn't get me anywhere. But, I decided to say something in passing, and was told that I have up to 60 days to bring my receipt back for credit of a duplicate purchase. Good to know! Should've saved those other receipts!

So, you think this is the end of it? NOPE. Last night at our Women Who Win event, there were multiple items that were disappointing to me, especially since the venue had ample time to prepare for our arrival. For those of you that know me well, you know that I'm a planner extraordinare, so I was rather discouraged by the unimpressive results of our planning. No detail is overlooked and every bit of information is triple checked. Moreover, all arrangements were confirmed with me on Monday. Everything should've been perfect, right? WRONG. So, I aired my complaints. We'll see what happens from here. Wish us luck.

Bottom line - there are many things in life that aren't worth complaining about. There are many people who have bigger issues that I can't even relate to; however, when it's important to you, make your voice heard...and double check your receipts!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Where has customer service gone? I find it sad that bad service has become the norm and no one complains when they get the wrong item or bad service. Why is bad service being tolerated on a daily basis? Leslie, I say complain, complain, COMPLAIN! But make sure you get your point across by talking to the right person. The high school cashier doesn’t care what you say, but the manager probably will. And if the manager doesn’t care I’m sure an email to the corporate office will definitely be taken seriously (speaking from experience).