2009 Highlights

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

San Francisco Trip

Lee and I had a great time in San Francisco this weekend, despite the Redskins loss. We enjoyed a couple of nice dinners in the city (1300 Fillmore & in Chinatown), as well as a warm chowda' bowl & Anchor Steam at Fisherman's Wharf. Since we drove, we also took some spare time to roam about the gorgeous areas outside of the city (Marin Headlands, Sausalito, Muir Woods and Muir Beach). Can't wait to go back again soon! Here are some trip pics. Please don't mind the duplication of photos. I was having fun playing with my new camera and settings (color, B/W, sepia).


When driving around on Christmas Day, a sign I saw struck me as pure irony. It was a sign for Arizona Tile. Wonder why I thought this was ironic, among other things I thought of? Here's why:

If you live in Arizona, what do you say when you're going to Arizona Tile? "I'm going to the tile store?"

If you live in California, what do you say when you're going to California Pizza Kitchen? "I'm going to the pizza kitchen?"

If you live in Montana, what do you say when you order the Big Montana from Arby's? "I'll have the Big?"

If you live in Kentucky, what do you say when you want to go to Kentucky Fried Chicken? "I'm going to fried chicken?"

If you live in St. Louis, what do you say when you order St. Louis Ribs? "I'll have ribs?"

If you live in New York and sell cheesecake, how do you advertise New York Cheesecake? Just plain "cheesecake?"

Finally, if you live in Philadelphia and sell Philly Cheesesteaks, what do you call them? Just "cheesesteaks?"

Hope you enjoyed this bit of irony. I sure did. Let me know if you have any others you'd like to share. Post a comment.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hope you all have a wonderful day full of many blessings!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Top 10 Politically Correct Christmas Carols

My Mom posted this on our family blog and I thought it was so funny, I had to share it on mine:

Top 10 Politically Correct Christmas Carols

10. "O Holiday Tree"
9. "Have Yourself a Merry Little Day of Winter"
8. "Frosty the Snowperson"
7. "Chestnuts Roasting on a Safely Contained, Continuously Monitored, Eco-Friendly,
Nontoxic Outdoor Fire (for which I do have a permit)"
6. "Higher Power Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
5. "Grandma Allegedly Got Run Over By an Unidentified Non-Human Perpetrator"
4. "Deck the Halls with Boughs of Unendangered Foliage (if office policy permits)"
3. "Hark! The Herald Mythical Winged Creature Sings"
2. "I Saw Mommy Greeting Santa Claus with a Purely Platonic Expression of Inoffensive
Mutual Affection"
1. "I'll Be Home for a Short Period of Time in December"

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Welcome Chase William Riehle Siris!

Many of you know that my best friend in the world is Becky Riehle-Siris, who gave birth to her first child yesterday. Chase William Riehle Siris was born 12/17, at 4:39 p.m., weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. (Pete originally thought 7 lbs. 14 oz., but he was smaller than that), and measured 19 in.

I've included a picture that Chase's other auntie took (thanks, Julie!), because I was in such a hurry to get to the hospital in the pouring rain, that I forgot my camera! Duh!

Of course, Becky was a superstar and hardly looked like she'd just given birth. Pete was the very concerned husband and new daddy, which was adorable! Also, I think Becky's dad still hasn't come down from Cloud 9!

Congrats to the beautiful family! Lee and I love you more than you know!

P.S. In case you're wondering, little Chase looks exactly like his daddy, except he has Becky's earlobes. Can't wait to see if he starts to look like his mommy, as he grows up.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One Line People, One Line

What is it about the holidays that make people 10x more idiotic than normal? I know we have a lot going on in our brains, but that shouldn't automatically result in stupidity.

Take for example my holiday shopping excursion last night (a perfect display of why I choose to do 75% of my Christmas shopping online vs. in the stores).

Lee and I went to Macy's for a few things. As I approach the two-sided checkout counter, I see that there is ONE line, despite there being THREE checkers. So, I patiently wait behind two dudes. The checker from the backside of the counter motions for the next guest and looks at me, but I say that these dudes were next in line. So, I stand waiting for my turn. Then, the lady at the counter with 100 items remembers that she forgot something, so had to go back to the men's department to pick it out. All the while, I still wait, as does the guy checking her out. By this time, some idiot doesn't see that I'm waiting in ONE line and makes his own line on the other side of the counter. At that point, the original checker who offered to help me starts to help the idiot that formed his own line...and not me. HELLO??? I'm still here.

By now, Lee is furious. Another 100-year-old checker busies her self with putting stickers on tags, while, you guessed it...I still wait. Then, the original checker turns around and sees me and I say "I thought there was one line," as to indicate "why the hell did you help that other guy first and not me?" To which he replies "I didn't know you were still here." Nice. Nice customer service, a-hole.

The kicker - after I still wait for this checker to finish with the idiot customer, or the other checker who's still putting stickers on tags or the lady with 100 items, the original checker finishes with the idiot and starts to walk away, as I head over to his side of the counter to checkout! WTF? So, I get to the counter and say "so, are you ready to help me now or what?" He says, "Oh, I didn't know you were still here." My husband says, "yeah, we liked wasting 10 minutes of our lives being ignored." His response "Thank you very much for your patience." Beautiful.

Moral of my story - nothing. I just wanted to vent. Peace out.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fuzzy Felines

I couldn't resist. This was too cute! Click the link below to view the video (after a brief commercial).

Cute Kittens Bopping Their Heads
Cute Kittens Bopping Their Heads

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Take Your Time

During this busy holiday season, we're so consumed with getting things done, that we rarely stop and take time for ourselves. So, I wanted to share a quote that I keep on my bulletin board at work, which I pulled from a 2006 issue of Real Simple Magazine:

"The best reason to take your time is that this time is only time you'll ever have. You must take it, or it will be taken from you. It is telling that the phrase "taking your time" is synonymous with slowing down. If we want to live life fully, we do best to slow down. I don't suggest that we turn back the clock, trying to retrieve a bygone era when life was slower. We couldn't, even if we wanted to. But I don't believe we should want to . We should revel in our electronically supercharged, unbounded world. But, to make the most out of this new world, to avoid feeling overbooked, overstretched, and about to snap, to make modern life become better than life has ever been, a person must learn how to do what matters most first. Otherwise, you will bulldoze over life's best moments. You won't notice the little charms that adorn each day, nor will you ever transform the mundane into the extraordinary."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

P.S. - I Love P.S. I Love You

Sappy movies aren't usually high on my to watch list, but there's one that gets me crying like a damn baby every time - P.S. I Love You. I forgot how much I loved this movie the first time I saw it, until I watched it for the second, third and forth times this weekend on HBO.

Maybe it's my love for my family's homeland (Ireland); maybe it's the vulnerability of Hillary Swank's character, Holly; maybe it's the adorable charm of Gerard Butler's character (plus the accent), Jerry; or maybe it's the sheer sexiness of Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character (plus the accent), William. Whatever it is, the combination of these things makes for an incredible movie.

Trust me, I'm not your average girl when it comes to chick flicks. I'd much rather watch kick ass boy movies such as Snatch, Bull Durham, the Borne series, Bond movies, etc., but if there's one chick flick that will always be at the top of my list, it's P.S. I Love You.

Don't forget the Kleenex.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I'm not much of a beer drinker, especially anything dark (stout or porter), but I've recently developed a liking for Sam Adams' Cranberry Lambic. It's very tasty, so get it while you can. It's only around for the holidays.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Elf Yourself

If you haven't "Elfed Yourself," you're missing out. This is hysterical. Go to ElfYourself.com to create a personalized dance with photos. You can select from Classic, County, Charleston or Disco. Here's mine :)

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Memories

There's just something about watching the very basic animation of the Christmas shows that the networks have been running, which quickly revert me to a five-year-old. Not only did I enjoy the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special, but I've watched Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, The Island of Misfit Toys and The Grinch. Although today's animation (digital and cartoon) is far superior, I just can't help but relish the memories of these Christmas favorites.

Two Thumbs Down

Is anyone else besides me completely freaked out by the AT&T commercial with talking thumbs that text? Turns out, I'm not alone. There are websites dedicated to the hate of these commercials, as well as it being one of the top hated commercials on "CommercialsIHate.com." It is seriously so wrong and gross. But, what do they say in the advertising world? Any publicity, good or bad, is publicity. If we're talking about it and I actually remembered the name of the company in the commercial, they did their job. Now, ask me if I'll ever buy anything related to AT&T, because of this commercial. NEVER. If you haven't had the joy of viewing this wonderful creative genius (yeah, right), here you go:

I give these commercials two thumbs DOWN!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What Are Wii Doing?

OK, so I'm going to get on my high horse about Nintendo Wii. I'm completely bugged by how the gaming world is dominating families' lives. I'm sorry, but purchasing a Wii, so your family can share time together is lame. Go to a park, go on a hike, ride your bikes, etc. That's how you should spend family time. Not cooped up in a room playing one video game after another, dumbing down your minds. After all, most of us reading this blog live in CA, and we have gorgeous weather all year round. Now, I can understand if you were doing this Wii thing if you lived in Minnesota or Canada.

Another thing that irritates me about the new Wii music game (and Rockstar and Guitar Hero) - the girl on the commercial says that she always wanted to be a rock star. Oh yeah, then why don't you take real music lessons instead of trying to rock out with an electronic controller? IRRITATING!

My apologies to my friends who are Wii lovers - this is only my opinion.

Don't get me wrong - Wii is very fun and I have played it several times with my friends, and I know I'll play it again. I'm just bugged by how gaming companies are making families think that this is one of the best ways for families to bond.

What are Wii doing??

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cyber Monday Deals

In case you haven't already seen or heard yourself, today is Cyber Monday - the online version of Black Friday in stores.

Here's a sampling of offers valid for Cyber Monday:
  • 25% off of all orders at BathandBodyWorks.com - enter promo code 25PERCENT at checkout (ends tomorrow)
  • 30% off all orders at LuckyLooLoo.com - enter promo code cybersale at checkout (ends 12/4)
  • 1 cent shipping at Wine.com - enter promo code cybermon at checkout (ends today)
  • Free shipping on all orders at Dogeared.com - enter promo code FreeShipHoliday08 (ends 12/16)
I'll let you know if anything else juicy pops up in my inbox. Happy Shopping!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Have You Done for Me Lately?

I'm obsessed with the show Chelsea Lately (that is, if I can hold my eyes open that late at night). The show is hosted by Chelsea Handler, who is so hilarious. It takes a real sense of humor to relate to hers, and I just love it! She is so dry and raunchy, despite her pulled together sophisticated look. I think what I love most about her show is she says exactly what I'm thinking...and doesn't care who she offends. I'm anxious to read her latest book, "Are You There Vodka, It's Me, Chelsea," but I've been on the library waiting list for approx. 2 months now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Are You Thankful For?

The holidays are always an easy time to reflect on the things we're most thankful for, especially at Thanksgiving. So, what are you thankful for? I'm thankful for my wonderful husband, my supportive family, my Southern in-laws, my funny "hairy children," my amazing friends, my job, my cozy condo, my trusty Tahoe, my full fridge, and more!

Remember, there are too many less unfortunate people out there who don't have the luxury of family, friends, a job, a home, a car or food. So, if you think your lives are tough during this recession, just imagine what your life would be like without any of these things we oftentimes take forgranted too easily.

Be thankful for what you have, not disappointed for what you don't.

Monday, November 24, 2008

25% off Vans Shoes and Apparel This Thursday

This Turkey Day (Thursday only), if you purchase any shoes or apparel from the Vans website, you'll get a 25% discount. You might also get free shipping, but I'm not quite sure on the details of that. Just enter code THXINSTOCK08 for standard shoes/apparel. For anyone who orders custom shoes, enter code THXCUSTOMS08.

Happy Shopping!

I Wanna Do Bad Things With You

Get your minds out of the gutter! My subject line is in relation to the theme song for HBO's True Blood. The season finale was last night, which means the new series isn't coming back until summer! BOO!! Between the Stephanie Meyer books and this series, I've obviously developed a weird attraction to everything vampire :)

Friday, November 21, 2008


So I think I'm ready for a change...in my hair, that is. A couple of months ago I chopped off a few inches, but I'm yearning for something new and fresh. Since I'm a Leo, I'm always very sensitive when it comes to my hair, so I think I'm going to try something similar to this picture. It doesn't appear to take a lot of time to manage, which is very important to me. Plus, it has dimension. Wish me luck. Come tomorrow at 2:15, I could be shedding a tear...good or bad :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gimme Gimme Mo Gimme Mo

Last night, I went to the new Bev Mo that opened up in Ladera Ranch, and I was overwhelmed with excitement. It's like I was at an adult-version of Disneyland! Since I love wine so much, I always enjoy cruising the aisles to find some great bargains on my favorites. Right now, select wines are buy one, get the second for five cents. Although the sale applies to lesser known wines, it's still a great way to get two bottles to take to holiday parties, give as gifts, etc. Personally, I had to buy an Australian Chardonnay for a wine tasting party this weekend, so it was great to take advantage of this bargain! It's also good to know that they carry some of my preferred Paso Robles wines, just in case I run out before my next trip up north. Is it wrong to be in love with a store?

Angels Merchandise 30% Off

Tomorrow only (11/19) until 11:59 p.m., the Angels website is offering 30% off everything in their online store. There's isn't a special code or anything. The discount will be reflected in your shopping cart.

I don't know about you, but I'll be picking up a few Christmas gifts for friends and family at that price!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Good Times with Great Friends

Last night, Lee and I hosted a pre-Thanksgiving dinner for our "neighbors." The reason I say "neighbors" is only 3 of them still live in our 'hood, while the other 4 used to. Despite that, we had a great dinner, courtesy of an easy recipe I pulled from Real Simple Magazine, as well as an intense poker game. Not to mention wine, wine and more wine!

At times, we find ourselves going months without seeing each other (even our next door neighbors), and last night was a good reminder that friends and family are what keep us going strong. Especially in these economic times, we have to remember that a lot of what's going on today is out of our control and we have to enjoy life on a daily basis. Last night was no exception! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful circle of family and friends who impact my life in different ways.

Let's remember that it shouldn't always take a special ocassion to connect with those we love!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear Santa

For those of you with extensive families, our family has used this GREAT "Dear Santa" website for many years and I thought I'd share it with you. It's an online wish list called Wishzilla, which we actually use year-round. We post gift ideas for Christmas, birthdays, etc. You can "lock" other people's items (but they can't see what's locked, because that would spoil the surprise), so others don't purchase the same gift. It definitely cuts down on our family's e-mail time, and it's super easy to navigate. Give it a try! It's really neat!

Roll Tide!!

This is a shout out for my husband, who was in agony this Saturday watching his Alabama Crimson Tide barely squeak out a win against LSU. Here's to 10-0! ROLL TIDE, BAMA!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Crime at The Roxy

I'm proud to report that the band my brother is in, The Crime, had a ROCKIN' show last weekend at The Roxy...yes, you heard it - the world-famous Roxy in Hollywood! Although it was a long drive from Trabuco Canyon, it was worth it! They get better and better every time we see them play.

I know I'm biased, because he's my brother, and all his band mates are like my little brothers, but I just can't help but to be super excited for them. Of course, they have to act cool and pretend that The Roxy is just another gig, but inside I know they were beyond stoked!

Congrats Karl, Tim, Josh, Brady and Ulises! Great to see you guys doing what you love!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today, I filled up my Tahoe's gas tank for $60, which is unbelievable! I hope it continues to stay this way or keep going down. I can't afford the costs we experienced this summer, where I was filling up for $110/week...not to mention my husband having to do the same thing for his lifted truck. I'll take a $60 fill-up any day! I feel bad for people who had to fill-up multiple times a week, as well as filling up their river toys (boats, jet skis, etc.)!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did You Rock Your Vote?

I hope that everyone reading my blog today took time out of their day to VOTE! Whether you agree or disagree with the outcome, at least know that you're making your voice heard. No matter what, you can tell your children and grandchildren that you voted in an election where our country nominated the first African-American President or woman Vice President. We are so lucky as Americans to have the right to vote. This process should never be considered an inconvenience. If you think it's an inconvenience, move to a country where someone else decides your vote for you or if you're a woman, you don't even have the right to vote at all. Imagine that!!

Oh, and by the way - if you don't vote, you can't complain. You lose your right to complain when you don't take advantage of your right to make your voice heard!

ROCK YOUR VOTE! You have until 8:00 tonight. The countdown is on...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

RockNRolla ROCKS!

Once again, my favorite director, Guy Ritchie, doesn't disappoint with his newest movie, RockNRolla. I've been waiting for this movie FOREVER! I would've gone opening night, but that was Halloween, so I had to settle for last night.

I fell in love with his movie making style, and British "thug" plots many years ago with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, which was then enhanced with his next movie, Snatch. It's been a long time in the making, but RockNRolla was Guy Ritchie movie making at its finest. A Guy Ritchie "virgin" might find it hard to follow with all the sub-plots, but being an experienced Guy Ritchie enthusiast, the movie played out seamlessly and was very witty. I might have even found a new replacement for my Snatch love, Jason Statham, and that is Gerard Butler, who is one of the leads in RockNRolla. It must be that Scottish accent. Oh, baby. Personally, I think Guy Ritchie is one of the best out there. You can watch the movie trailer here. I can't wait for the sequel (OOPS...I hope I didn't spoil it for anyone)!!!!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween! These are the awesome pumpkins that Lee and I carved last night. Mine is the simple skull head, and Lee's is the elaborate Tiger Army logo. For those of you that don't know, my two favorite bands in the world (well, besides my brother's band) are Social Distortion and Tiger Army. Since we just went to see Tiger Army last Saturday, Lee surprised me with this masterful creation. He's so talented!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall Back

Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night, because Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 2. Yeah, an extra hour of sleep!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hey Mama

Some of you have heard me talk about Lee's grandma (Nana), and how she's a local celebrity in Charleston, SC. Well, here's the proof. Over the weekend, the local Charleston paper ran a great story about her, which perfectly embodies her spirit, her love of family, and her love of the community. Check it out here.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A New Twist on Pumpkin Pie

About 7+ years ago, my husband got me a really cool kitchen torch & custard cups, so I could make my own creme bruleé. Unfortunately, I've never put it all to good use, and he never lets me hear the end of it.

So, after a recent weekend trip to Paso Robles' best restaurant (Panolivo), and a decadent taste of Chef Beatrice's PUMPKIN CREME BRULEE, I'm on a mission. Albeit a maiden voyage, even for a cook/baker, such as myself, but what the heck? Who doesn't have 3.5 hours to spare on a heavenly, fire-roasted indulgence such as this? Wish me luck!

Name Brand Beauty at Discount Prices

I might have hit the proverbial jackpot with this one, ladies! As I was scouring my recent Orange County Business Journal, I ran across a blurb about a company called Beauty Encounter. The reason I go through OCBJ is to find leads for our women's networking group, Women Who Win In the Sport of Business. I decided to check-out their website, and was pleasantly surprised at all they carry...most of it at discounted prices (lower than dept. stores, ULTA & Sephora)! My Dolce & Gabbana products were marked down, and they even carry MAC, Clinique, Dermalogica, etc. Check it out! A good find in time for the holidays.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

We Want the Funk

This is my all-time favorite TV commercial! They played it over a year ago, but it's now making the TV circuit again, and I couldn't be happier. I can be in the worst mood, but when I see this commercial, it cracks me up over and over. Thank goodness for YouTube and TiVo, because I can play it over and over and over and over and over....


Friday, October 17, 2008

Think Happy Thoughts

Friends and family - please take a moment to think some happy thoughts for our niece, Christina Bonifay. Christina lives in Charleston, SC, and was in a bad hit-and-run car accident the other night in Downtown Charleston. She was in the back seat with some friends when their car was hit and then slammed into a large Oak tree. For anyone who has been to the South, you know that these trees are killers. They are so big and sturdy, and cars hit them all the time. These trees don't break. Cars do. The entire backside of their car concaved, which was where Christina was sitting. She's in the hospital, and appears to be making a good recovery, but her white blood cell count is very high, so they're keeping her for a while longer for close observation (want to make sure there isn't any internal bleeding or damage).

Bog On!

Looking forward to hanging with friends and family tomorrow night for the Bonifay Bog! Yum, yum, yum!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm A Readin' Fool!

I've always loved books - guess that's what happens when your Mom was a library science major, was a librarian for many years, and is on the Board of Trustees for the City of Anaheim libraries! Anyhow, I've recently discovered that I've had more time on my hands than normal (thanks to an economic recession & not spending money to go out), so I've officially become a library card holder, once again. Because of this, I've been able to enjoy some new authors I've been wanting to "test" out, and have been pleasantly surprised. One such author is Stephanie Meyer. Her books are highly acclaimed, and have a vampire theme. By no means is this a genre I would've ever explored, but now I'm hooked. I blasted my way through the 500-page book in two nights, and am looking forward to the next installment.

Other fun and light reads are from authors Mary Kay Andrews, Lauren Weisberger, Emily Giffin & Chelsea Handler.

More serious reads, but worth the time are from Khaleid Hossein and Alice Sebold.

So, if you're looking for a way to kill a couple of hours, escape from the stress of the day, and simply enrich your mind...pick up a book!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Do or Die

Tonight is do-or-die Game 4 of the ALDS between the Angels and Red Sox. The Angels rallied last night to hold the Red Sox off from moving on to the ALCS. Even if you aren't a baseball fan...or Angel fan, PLEASE wish the Angels good luck tonight - for my sake :) If they win tonight, they come back home for Game 5 - the winner moving on to the ALCS. GO ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Why can't we vote for the VP separately?

If you're like me, you're having a bit of trouble nailing down your pick for the Presidential race. But, after last night's VP debate, I'm even more torn. Why can't we pick the President as one vote, and the VP as another...even if it ends up being a mixed party ticket? AARRGGHH!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Refreshed and Relaxed

We're back from our two-week vacation to Charleston, SC, and had a great time. The weather cooperated for the most part (a couple of days of hot humidity, followed by beautiful thunder and lightning storms). Spent a lot of time catching up with family and friends, but still didn't have a chance to get with everyone. Had a blast fishing (I caught croaker, spottail bass, black drum, a sting ray and a baby shark), crabbing, shopping, eating (mmm...BOG), drinking (sweet tea vodka made only in SC), etc. Every time I visit, it makes me want to move there more and more, but I just can't get over the weather and the damn mosquitos!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dumber and Dumber Every Day

This is probably one of the most offensive posts I'll ever write, so please take that into consideration before delving in. One of the favorite things I like to say when some random person does something idiotic is "people get dumber and dumber every day." I'm not discounting that there are still a lot of highly intelligent people out there, who raise or teach intelligent children; however, when my Mom, a teacher in Anaheim tells me that her 5th grade students are barely reading at a 2nd grade level, who is at fault? When I heard this, I asked my Mom why teachers continue to pass these kids onto the next grade? What happened to holding a child back another year, like when I was a kid? FEAR. Our society has become so afraid of repercussions of parents, students, school district authorities, etc., that it's an unspoken rule to just push these students on. Will these children ever survive in high school or college?

Let's not lose sight of what's important in maintaining a well-rounded life (besides the obvious friends, family, love, shelter, etc.) - manners and continuous education. I thought our goal was to evolve from caveman status, not revert? Pass it on...for the sake of great teachers, such as my Mom.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Four Years and Counting

I don't have a grand post for today...simply just wanted to say "Happy 4th Anniversary" to my hubby :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Complain or Not Complain?

On any given day, I'm pretty easy going; however, recently, I've run into a rash of incidents that have boiled my blood. So, the question is...when should one dust off the little nuances and save their complaints for a real problem? This has been my dilemma lately.

It started with my 30th birthday dinner, which was held at a highly rated/recommended restaurant in Paso Robles. My husband and I are serious "foodies," who have years of history in the restaurant industry, so we're always more forgiving of poor food or service than your average customer. But, when a meal you've been looking forward to for months hardly rates as a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, do you say something or just chalk it up to a bad Saturday night in a busy kitchen?

My next dilemma came with the 3rd time of being double charged for an item at Target in one month. The worst part is that I always notice it AFTER I've driven home. The first couple of times it was an inexpensive item ($5 or less), and I didn't feel it was worth the trip (or gas) back to the store for a credit. The third time, it was an item that was $10, which I was charged twice for. So, I made the trip back, and was instantly credited the $10. Now, I was debating on whether I should complain to the high school cashier, because I figured that wouldn't get me anywhere. But, I decided to say something in passing, and was told that I have up to 60 days to bring my receipt back for credit of a duplicate purchase. Good to know! Should've saved those other receipts!

So, you think this is the end of it? NOPE. Last night at our Women Who Win event, there were multiple items that were disappointing to me, especially since the venue had ample time to prepare for our arrival. For those of you that know me well, you know that I'm a planner extraordinare, so I was rather discouraged by the unimpressive results of our planning. No detail is overlooked and every bit of information is triple checked. Moreover, all arrangements were confirmed with me on Monday. Everything should've been perfect, right? WRONG. So, I aired my complaints. We'll see what happens from here. Wish us luck.

Bottom line - there are many things in life that aren't worth complaining about. There are many people who have bigger issues that I can't even relate to; however, when it's important to you, make your voice heard...and double check your receipts!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Women Who Win

FORE! Today, I'll dust off my clubs and tee it up at Strawberry Farms Golf Club with 20 ladies at Women Who Win's networking event.

Women Who Win in The Sport of Business mixes spectator sports with blue-chip prospects in a casual and friendly atmosphere within many of the Southland's most recognized venues. Whether cheering for the Angels, a favorite horse at Del Mar, the San Diego Chargers or your tennis ace, there's plenty of chances to meet others just like you.

Hope to see you at a future event!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Yuck the Fankees

Today, my favorite team in the whole world (the Angels of Anaheim) take on the Yanks for a three-game home stand. For those of you that don't know me, I'm an obsessed Angel fan, who loves to watch a good crushing of the Yankees. I used to think their fans were the worst, until I met the Boston and Dodger fans (they take the cake for most obnoxious)! Needless to say, many of my best friends are transplants from NY/NJ (shout out to Bruno and Booger), so it's become quite a rivalry over the years. There's a chance we can officially knock the Yanks out of playoff contention this week, so you know it'll be a good series between the two clubs. GO HALOS!!!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

...or should I say Hurricane, Hurricane, Go Away? Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed for Lee and I, as we track the progress of Hurricane Ike. For those of you that don't know, Lee's entire family lives on the East Coast (Charleston, SC), and we're headed there next Saturday for a two-week vacation. OH BROTHER...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Doggy Style

Get your mind out of the gutters, people! No, this isn't some twisted innuendo...it's a shout out (or bark) to my new favorite jewelry company, Dogeared. I don't yet own a piece myself, but plan on it real soon! Don't know if it's the cute logo that initially attracted me (my advertising mind is always working) or the creative descriptives that accompany each piece (Karma, Luck, Make A Wish, etc.). Either way, they've left me begging for more. Get it? Begging? OK, I'll stick to advertising, and not comedy.


My First Blog

It's official! I've finally entered the realm of blogging (thanks, Amanda!). I suppose that it was inevitable, given the amount of times I've harped on my boss or our clients to do the same. Not that I have something important to promote; rather, this will simply serve as outlet to rant about the bad or rave about the great. So, bear with me as I give this a shot. I hope you'll find my posts helpful, funny or worth reading - maybe a breath of fresh air in a sea of craziness.

Check back often, as I plan on trying to maintain a regular schedule. Feel free to leave comments, too. Would love to hear from you!