2009 Highlights

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

P.S. - I Love P.S. I Love You

Sappy movies aren't usually high on my to watch list, but there's one that gets me crying like a damn baby every time - P.S. I Love You. I forgot how much I loved this movie the first time I saw it, until I watched it for the second, third and forth times this weekend on HBO.

Maybe it's my love for my family's homeland (Ireland); maybe it's the vulnerability of Hillary Swank's character, Holly; maybe it's the adorable charm of Gerard Butler's character (plus the accent), Jerry; or maybe it's the sheer sexiness of Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character (plus the accent), William. Whatever it is, the combination of these things makes for an incredible movie.

Trust me, I'm not your average girl when it comes to chick flicks. I'd much rather watch kick ass boy movies such as Snatch, Bull Durham, the Borne series, Bond movies, etc., but if there's one chick flick that will always be at the top of my list, it's P.S. I Love You.

Don't forget the Kleenex.


Julie said...

I love this movie! One of my favorites. But if you haven't read the book I suggest that you do, the book is even better than the movie!

Tri-Sarah-Tops said...

I ♥ Sexy Irishmen!

umama said...

This movie made me fall in love with Gerard Butler... and I had no idea he was in 300!!!