2009 Highlights

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sense of Entitlement

Attention owners of luxury cars. You know who you are. Just because you drive a nice BMW, Mercedes, Escalade, Range Rover, etc., DOES NOT give you a sense of entitlement to the road. Do you think because your car is twice as expensive as mine that you shouldn't have to follow the rules?

This happens to me often (at least a couple of times a week), but this time it happened twice this morning on the way to work. First, some jackass in a Mercedes comes speeding up behind me and when he realized he had no place to go, he sped past me and then immediately got back over into my lane with no signal, barely making it in between my car and the car I was following. Then, locks up the brakes, causing a jam of my car and those behind me. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you miss your exit to Starbucks, f'er? There are 10 others up the street that you could pull into.

The second instance occurred when a Mom in a Range Rover, on a cell phone, with a baby in the backseat, decides that she missed her entrance to the freeway and proceeds to cross 4 lanes of steady traffic with no signal or regard for anyone else. YOU HAVE A CHILD IN THE BACKSEAT, IDIOT! Think because you own a nice car that you're magically protected by a bubble that inflates around your whole car in the event of a collision? WRONG!

I'm not saying this doesn't happen to me by people driving non-luxury cars, too. It just happens to be that 95% of the time, it's some chotch monkey or some rich bitch who is catered to in all other aspects of their life that feels they should have no regard for those "lesser" than them on the road.

Use your signal...I'll let you over. Otherwise, you should know that bumper cars is my favorite ride at the fair and I'm not afraid to play on the 405 freeway.

1 comment:

Lashelle said...

Gotta love driving in California!! We can always tell those who are from CA here from those who aren't. Amazing courtesy vs. Ahole driving. I surely don't miss driving the CA freeways!! There are many times when Josh and I say to eachother, "in CA that would not have happened" when trying to turn left across a busy street or when we needed to get over into another lane. I feel for you! Stay safe!!!!