2009 Highlights

Monday, October 19, 2009

Vinturi Wine Aerator

I finally stepped it up and purchased a Vinturi wine aerator, which is awesome! Thanks to a Crate & Barrel gift card, I was able to purchase this longtime wish list item for myself.

Tested it out on an amazing bottle of Jayson Pinot Noir and a bottle of Lost Angel Mischief Blend, which improved the taste instantly.

Don't get me wrong...this device won't ever take the place of letting a bottle age properly or decanting it for a couple of hours, but it certainly improves the taste and aroma with one quick pour through the oxygenated funnel.

Amazon.com is selling them for approx. $35, and they have them for red and white wines.

Give it a shot. It's well worth the investment for any level of wine drinker.

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